Upgraded to

After upgrade to I am getting two issues when I enable the Full page cache (On-In all cases) in Dashboard -> System & Setting -> Cache & speed setting.

Issue #1 : Search Keyword Issue The search uses the keyword of first entered text. If I login in the site, search for a keyword 'vision', it shows result. But If I again type for keyword 'light' it show only the results of first entered keyword 'vision'

Issue #2 : $_GET, $_REQUEST is not working I have written custom module for a form, afer form submit i write header:location with query string. Redirection work properly but I could not get the query string values. I tried both $_GET and _REQUESt methods. It print only teh null values.

Please help me to fix this issue.

senthil0192 replied on at Permalink Reply
For search I change the form method from "get" to "post" and it is working fine. BUT not able to fix the $_GET, _REQUEST methods.

Please help me.
senthil0192 replied on at Permalink Reply
Below are the existing flow:
I have a form in \packages\payment_form\blocks\myform\view.php
once the form is filled and submited to action - action_submit_form in a controller :\packages\payment_form\blocks\myform\controller.php
In the action it redirect to same page with query string.
based on the values in query sytring it loads another form.
BUT the query string $_GET method is not working.

So I would like to replace the redirec in same page with another view page. i.e once the form is filled it redirect to another view. In the view I place those values.
I hope this will fix the issue, but I do not know how to redirect to another view same controller.
Even I do not know how the form is submitted to action - action_submit_form

Please give some links to understand the concrete 5 framework.
