Upload multiple files not working, but single uploads are
Trying to add photos to me site and having problems. The single uploader works fine, but when I try to queue up multiple files using Safari or Chrome they won't upload. In Safari I get an Error 302 message. In Chrome they appear ready to upload, but when I click start nothing happens. Trying to add from incoming directory, but it is taking forever. There are about a dozen files, all under 200kb. Since the last time I uploaded multiple images I moved my hosting (at Siteground) from one account to a stand alone account. Could this be a permissions thing in the hosting?

My hosting service had to modify the mod_security filter to clear up the problem. Not certain what the repercussions of that might be, but at least it is working.
That is interesting as concrete5 has traditionally had some issues with mod_security in general. Is it possible you could post of copy of their mod_security configuration?
Best Wishes,
That is interesting as concrete5 has traditionally had some issues with mod_security in general. Is it possible you could post of copy of their mod_security configuration?
Best Wishes,
Happy to, but not certain where to find it?
It's likely that you might need to ask them for it as it might not be accessible to you from your account with them.
Best Wishes,
Best Wishes,