Uploading a website from Concrete 5 to Machighway

I'm new to this site and am trying to develop a website on my I Mac that will replace the one I currently have on my old PC laptop (which is dying.) Concrete5 is MUCH more difficult to use than the web developer I've been using on Intuit. They keep saying it's "easy" and it might be for computer geeks, but not for someone like me who is not an IT. I pretty much have the page developed on Concrete5, but I'm clueless about how to upload the thing to Machighway. Apparently, there is no one you can talk to directly at Concrete5, just the obtuse videos which are NOT helpful.

Can anyone help me walk through getting this site up and online?

SheldonB replied on at Permalink Reply
concrete 5 is a CMS any cms must be installed on the server you are using - not your computer (the instant set-up is for testing I believe - I haven't used it and don't know if you can just transfer stuff to another host)

Instructions to install concrete5 live here (there are many diffrent options in terms of web cms its one of the simplest to install)

most hosting providers have a simple 1 click script that will install it for youhttp://www.machighway.com/sitebuilder.php... <-looks like they have one

because concrete5 is opensource its not a company you can call for help unless you want to pay them to build the site for you(this true for every cms). I'm pretty sure machighway would have a program you could pay for to help you build a site if not set it up too.

*concrete5 was not built to be created/installed by beginners but to be run and maintained by beginners, non the less its a very simple cms to create and use

If you are still stuck I would call machighway from their site builder picture they already know about concrete5

If you bought any add-ons they can be transferred to your new site

step one would be
1)sign into machighway
2)make a url if you haven't
3)find concrete5 (usually under simple scripts in sitebuilders)
4)*not sure where you created your concrete5 site (but use it as a template to create your real site and use copy and paste)

I hope this points you in the right direction