Uploading through File Manager

Hi Everybody,
I am quite new to Concrete 5 but have successfully uploaded 85 images on to File manager without problem. In the FM toolbar it used to have a Choose File and Upload area.

However, since I started playing with Sets this area suddenly disappeared and now I appear to be able to only use the Replace method rather than uploading new images!

Any ideas?

Many thanks in anticipation,


wagdi replied on at Permalink Reply
Go to Dashboard -> System and Settings -> Permissions & Access-> Allowed File Types... see if you have any file types listed. If not; add the following file types-

flv, jpg, gif, jpeg, ico, docx, xla, png, psd, swf, doc, txt, xls, xlsx, csv, pdf, tiff, rtf, m4a, mov, wmv, mpeg, mpg, wav, avi, m4v, mp4, mp3, qt, ppt, pptx, kml, xml

Now go back to file manager and you'll find that the 'Upload' and 'Upload Multiple' options are now available.
DavidLLewis replied on at Permalink Reply

You're a star. I don't know how I removed the code because I don't think that I did. However, I did download a large number of add-ons including some image management. After, i had done this the problem started.

With your advice it was corrected immediately.

Many, many thanks,

Best regards,
