URGENT!!! Cannot Redeclare External Form

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Hi Community! I need urgent help with a client's site and I have no idea how to use Concrete5! I was doing some basic site optimization and I simply cleared the cache files on the site and now I am receiving an error on the contact us page of the site! I need to know how to fix this! I'm guessing they were using a block form to take down information from customers and now it has just disappeared! I'm attaching a screen shot! Please Help!

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jordif replied on at Permalink Reply
clearing the cache probably only revealed the underlying error. Do you remember making any changes before that? Did you change any files via FTP, update something, edit the form block...?
ksilk replied on at Permalink Reply
I didn't edit anything, It says that someone else on the client's end edited something yesterday. I'm wondering if that was the change that was made and then clearing the cache revealed that change?
jordif replied on at Permalink Reply
Then that could be the reason. I'd ask the client if they changed something regarding the contact form.
ksilk replied on at Permalink Reply
The client has no idea what happened or who made changes. Apparently the contact page is based on a database. I'm assuming this means I would need access to the FTP in order to make changes?
jordif replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
You can always access the Page Versions to check when the page was last edited:


You can also try restoring / approving an older version and see if that fixes the error.
ksilk replied on at Permalink Reply
I found out how to restore an old version of the site and thankfully everything went back to normal! Thank you for your help!