Use of htaccess
I wanted to tighten up security on one of my C5 web sites. I have been advised that the recommended settings of 644 for files and 755 for folders should suffice. However, this does not allow me to load images. It has been suggested that I use .htaccess in the relevant directories to allow the web server to write. Does anyone have any suggestion as to what specific C5 directories I would need to set to 777 to allow the images to load without compromising the security of my site?
I wanted to tighten up security on one of my C5 web sites. I have been advised that the recommended settings of 644 for files and 755 for folders should suffice. However, this does not allow me to load images. It has been suggested that I use .htaccess in the relevant directories to allow the web server to write. Does anyone have any suggestion as to what specific C5 directories I would need to set to 777 to allow the images to load without compromising the security of my site?
777 vs 755 all depends on how the web server is set up and whether the web server user - often called 'apache' after the server software - also owns the file space the web site is within.
Thank you all for your help. All good.
/files/ - 777 (also all subdirectories of /files/)
Optional: /packages/ - 777
All files - 644.
There used to be a .py file which allowed you to compare page versions, however I can't remember which one it was. It may be gone in the newer versions because I couldn't find it.
FYI, if you get an internal server error (error 500), this probably means that your server has suPHP installed and you don't need to set the permissions. suPHP would require all your directories to be with 755 permissions and all your files - 644.
It could also mean that your .htaccess is screwed up, but this would mean that you messed around with it.