use pagelist plus filter with pro events
does anyone know how to use pagelist plus's search and filter with proevents?

You may want to post your problem at the add-on support forum, this way add-on developer can help you.
Whale page list plus or page list+ ??
Page list plus
I've got a vague idea of what you may be trying to do here. I "think" what you want to accomplish, I've accomplished with the related pages add on in the past. I've never worked with the add on your using though...
with the Related Pages add on you're able to create page "select" attributes and then filter by page type > attribute and in RANDOM order if you like!!
do i need to change any settings in pro events and pagelist plus?
Without having a look at how the two add ons work I couldn't answer that for you. It could be as easy as setting up some page attributes...
right now their is two maybe three people editing the site, so right now isn't a good time. i hope you would still be willing to help when we finish these current updates