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I've so far loved C5. It's great. However, I have had a few problems. Most of them I have taken care of myself but this one I'm quite confused about.
When trying to upload an avatar; Click the upload button in the flash menu; It doesn't upload anything. Instead the main screen remains white with no image or pictures.
I've created the UP_TMP folder which was causing an error when submitting, and thus I thought it was also the cause of the avatar's not uploading, but it wasn't. The avatar's still won't upload for me.
If anyone can provide my with insight I'd be very grateful.
When trying to upload an avatar; Click the upload button in the flash menu; It doesn't upload anything. Instead the main screen remains white with no image or pictures.
I've created the UP_TMP folder which was causing an error when submitting, and thus I thought it was also the cause of the avatar's not uploading, but it wasn't. The avatar's still won't upload for me.
If anyone can provide my with insight I'd be very grateful.

iv had problems with the flash uploader myself i have no idea whats wrong
do you have mod security running on your sever? we've had issues with it and getting these flash image based things to work in the past.
whats mod security i have never heard of it before... i can put up a info.php on my site (i have tried the uploader on 2 different hosts)
(heh.. feelin sassy this AM)..
in all seriousness I have no idea if that's it, I just know in the past on servers where flash stuff that touched files didn't work it's often been because this thing was installed. I don't think it's needed.
(heh.. feelin sassy this AM)..
in all seriousness I have no idea if that's it, I just know in the past on servers where flash stuff that touched files didn't work it's often been because this thing was installed. I don't think it's needed.
Nope, that is not installed on my server : )
permissions then? try making that dir 777 writable?
I've already tried that : )
Does the filemanager work, can you upload files, images etc?
every upload works,
but the flash upload i can give you login and ftp if you want
but the flash upload i can give you login and ftp if you want
Yep, Mnkras is correct. Everything else works. I can upload in other areas just fine. It's the avatar system that is screwing with me.
I'm having the same issue. The upload avatar button in the dashboard works and after uploading that way the flash editor will allow you to crop and move the already uploaded file but the flash upload button doesn't work.
The 'save' button does not change state onclick and the page does not refresh, however the image does save as it changes when you click onto another page.
this is fixed in 5.4.1