Using an if statement on a global page

Hi, I have the page view list view.php page, which I need to display the page date on one page and not on another page. Obviously as it's using the same view.php template, I have tried to add this to the header to identify which page will display the date.

In the <head>
<?php $thisPage="Page1"; ?>

Then wrap this around the date display HTML

In the <body>
<?php if ($thisPage=="Page1") echo "<div class=\"date\">$datePublic</div>"; ?>

Am I using the right execution for this as it's not working. Any help would be appreciated.


Remo replied on at Permalink Reply
Try to put this code in your theme

$page = Page::getCurrentPage();
echo $page->getCollectionPath();

this will return the path of the current page on which you can run your check
zapbrannigan1972 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Remo,

Thank you I'll give that a go later and see how I get on.

Thanks again,