Using certain styles inserts a div tag

I'm using Concrete 5 to edit a website created by an agency. On some pages (not all), using some styles (not all) in the editor inserts <div></ div> into the HTML. For example, I formatted a line of text as Heading 2, hit Save and, presto ... my page looked like heck because (upon looking at the HTML) there was a div tag.

I'm also having trouble with styles jumping with one particular style (Heading 3). If I apply it, all previous text on the page becomes Heading 3.

I'm fairly new to web work. I know the basics, but this is beyond me. The problem is replicated when my coworkers do this, as well, so I'm (fairly) confident it isn't me.

JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
Such phantom tags are a well known problem with the tinymce editor.

There is a 'clean up' button that helps get rid of some of them. As you are familiar with html, its also worth getting into the habit of checking the html view before saving.

The upcoming concrete5.7 should have a different (and much better) text editor.