Using Explorer 9 unable to edit website
I have Explorer 9 on two computers with Vista and Windows 7 and cannot edit the website. Shows the login info but will not let me edit does not have the header with dashboard etc. When I use Explorer 8 with XP I get a continual error message of Explorer closed and reopened the website due to a problem but at least I can edit the site. There are times when I publish the edits that a bunch of error messages come up. I did disable the Protected Mode but does not change the problem. This only started happening after upgrading to the current version

which version are you on? and can you provide the errors?
Explorer version 9.0.8112.16421 will not log in to edit. There are no errors just no header with the EDIT etc.
exact same issue and explorer 9 does not display headers right on my site either.. login buttons and ability to type in username and password fields is not working either. tried many computers. using debian squeeze to host the server
Same problem here: the Edit/Dashboard bar doesn't appear in Internet Explorer 8 on Windows 7. I use Concrete 5.5.1.
Only the background of the Edit/Dashboard bar displays but no icon and no links. It works on every other modern browsers on Mac and PC so I don't think I "broke" it. As a result of this problem, a few javascript is not executed on my site (like the "Supersized" plugin for example).
Any idea how to get this work?
Only the background of the Edit/Dashboard bar displays but no icon and no links. It works on every other modern browsers on Mac and PC so I don't think I "broke" it. As a result of this problem, a few javascript is not executed on my site (like the "Supersized" plugin for example).
Any idea how to get this work?