Using the blog feature
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I set up a blog page, and according to what I do for blog entries I need to add a new page to my main blog page every time I post a new blog entry? This seems like a lot of work just for another entry in a blog.

Navigate to your blog page, select "add page" choose "Blog entry" as your page type, write your article, hit publish, the concrete5 parts takes about 30 seconds ;-)
I do that but it won't show up on the site. And I have to edit two blocks that are already there with a paragraph in another language. The blog post shows when I first publish it, but I sign out and go to the blog and nothing is there, not even the picture that is supposed to be in the header.
I'll try and figure out the header pic and the content that is already there, but I must be missing something on the blog posts.
I'll try and figure out the header pic and the content that is already there, but I must be missing something on the blog posts.
Alright, I got it to show and adding the new page under blog works except for content. Is the page name the only field I can write in? I am not a code writing person, so what about pictures, links, bullets, etc.? Is there an easy way to format my blog entry? I wrote a page name and wrote the actual post under the description but only the page name shows up. I need clear cut instruction, talk to me like I am 3 and am navigating a maze for the first time with only your written instruction. In crayon would be nice. Blue.
If it helps I can do you a quick video showing you how it works, wont be until tonight though as I am a bit pushed for time today. let me know if you would like me to do it.
ProBlog ( is designed to streamline this process and provide a clean user interface and pop-up menu for adding and managing blogs.
If you have money to spend, I would definitely go with one of the paid blogging addons, like ProBlog as Chad mentions.
If not, though, you might have better luck using the "Composer" feature (Dashboard -> Composer Beta) -- it is built for this kind of use, where you just type in a page name and some content, and it adds the page all in one step.
If not, though, you might have better luck using the "Composer" feature (Dashboard -> Composer Beta) -- it is built for this kind of use, where you just type in a page name and some content, and it adds the page all in one step.
Well that is a good question. Pay for the feature. Ok, here is another question I pose to the community: I am going to upgrade my site to get all the bells and whistles very soon (end of Jan.) so should I just wait until then? Would blogging be easier and would I have access to software made for people like me?
Oh and I got it to post, by the way. Now it has a duplicate entry I Think, so I'll go back in and see if I put something in there twice. Thanks all! That question on the upgrade to the site is still valid
I should clarify, I use bluehost as my provider and concrete5 as a page builder...