V8.2 FIle Manager - AM I BEING DIM??

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I am trying to get used to the new File Manager arrangement but it is driving me nuts.

How can I change the number of files shown in the search without having to do a custom search each time? Why can't I change this to 10, 20 , 50 or 100 without changing the default in the code? Because if I use the advanced search it will then present me with all files without using the folders heirarchy, which I don't want. I want to see more files on the page so I can move items into folders

TheRealSean replied on at Permalink Reply 2 Attachments
No it's not you, I'm getting the same issue

I've also noticed that sometimes the column headers don't match the columns output, causing misaligned headers.

The Sort order is not saved, so if you do run an advanced search order the files by size in a descending order and then press Edit the sort order reverts to Name and direction to ascending.

There has been some discussion about this issue in the slack room, I'm not quite sure if it's been added as a bug yet, but if not I'll add one this week.
