website right in Edit mode, wrong when live

I spent all day making massive edits and adding and changing all kinds of stuff on my site (I'm using the Silence theme by the way) and I got to a good stopping point, where everything looked great, I published my edits, signed out and was REALLY dismayed to see that there were things not showing up or not even working when I visited the website live. Yet when I sign back in to edit mode, all the formatting and everything is correct again. Does it just take time for everything to register or have I messed everything up??

BlueFractals replied on at Permalink Reply
Try "Clear Cache" from the Dashboard and see if that helps.
mostrim replied on at Permalink Reply
This tip was great, solved my problem, thanks!
mckoenig replied on at Permalink Reply
If you are working with stacks don't forget to click "Approve Changes" in the stack overview. Otherwise everything you do will only be visible to Administrators.

Are you sure you haven't clicked "Preview my Edits" on any of the sites? This also will make changes visible only to Administrators.