Weird Caching Error

Hi Guys, I'm having a pretty weird error, don't really know what to make of it.

Basically I changed a few PDF names in a file, I was using a download folder add on to display them in a list as downloadable links, but after changing the names all of the links break and I get a Page Not Found error. The page displays the new names, but I have no idea where it's getting this new URL from.

Basically this was the original URL

And after removing the underscores and replacing them with spaces I get this

Removing the first /pricelist brings me to the right file, but I have no idea where it from.

Also, I tried clearing my C5 cache, and my browser cache. This seems to have worked, but only on the computer/in the browser I clear those caches in. My client and the rest of the world still see the Page Not Found error..
Obviously I can't run around clearing everyones caches.. So do any of you have an idea as to what is going on here?

EDIT: Even stranger, my Concrete5 cache was never turned on.

ANOTHER UPDATE: I forgot to mention earlier that this page is password protected. I just realized the /pricelist is added to the URL after a user logs in. Any idea why this would happen?

Thanks a ton.