What would be the best way tooo.....

I want to have a folder that holds all of the posts that I submit onto my website. The most recent showing up first. What would be the best way of going about this??? I'm new to all this and once again I appreciate all the replies that are helping my site get up and get going. Thanks :)

DigitalCrate replied on at Permalink Reply
sorry, not quite sure exactly what you are trying to do here...can you elaborate a little further?
By posts, do you mean using one of the Blog Add-ons? or do you mean a way to display new pages you create by date?
mattmm replied on at Permalink Reply
Basically I want to have on my home page a link "recent posts" so when you click on that it will take you to a new page where all of the posts ever posted are at. The most recent post will be on the homepage, and when their is a more recent post it will take over on the homepage and the one that was on the homepage will be moved to the page with all of the other recent posts. is this possible??? If not I just want to have on my homepage "recent posts" and have like 5 or 6 of the most recent posts that you can click on to go to. then have a link below saying "older posts" which will take you to a page where all of the old posts are.
jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
The best way of going about this is using the "Page List" block. That's what it does -- show all pages in a certain area of your site. You can set it to show all pages, show only pages of a certain type, or show pages underneath a specific top-level page, etc. You can also have it sort any way you want (including reverse-chronologically -- newest to oldest).


mattmm replied on at Permalink Reply
What is the RSS feed?? and how do I create the new pages after I add the new block?? Will it automatically show ALL of the pages underneath the link when I click on the link or redirect me to the new page where I can find all of the postS? I might sound all over the place, just trying to figure this out the best I can. Thanks
jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
No worries -- it's a lot to take in at first :)

So here's the key to understanding Concrete5 -- everything revolves around pages. A page is like the atom of the concrete5 universe. Every individual "thing" should be a page. Then when you want to list those "things" or have the "most recent thing" or "a few recent things" or "all recent things" show up somewhere on your site, you DON'T move the page around -- rather, you just use a page list block to grab those "things" from wherever they happen to live on your site and show them there on the other page (where the Page List block lives).

The RSS feed is an optional setting on the page list block. If you don't know what RSS feeds are, then don't worry about it -- it's not important for what you're doing -- just turn that off and pretend it's not there.

As for your other question about where it links to when you click, well it generally links to the page it's listing. So if you have a bunch of pages, then an "all recent post" page with a page list block that lists all those pages, you can ALSO have another page list block on your home page that is set to only show the 1 most recent post. If you want it to link to that other "recent posts" page instead, well that is a little trickier (but I'm not sure this would make sense -- someone clicking a link for a particular post probably wants to go to that post). You can just add a content block under the page list block on your home page that has a link in it to "view all recent posts", which will take you to that other "all recent posts" page you set up.

Now, there is 1 problem with the Page List block -- it doesn't actually show the contents of the post -- it just shows the title and the "description" property (which you set when you first create the page). If you want to be able to show the actual contents of the post, I have a custom template you can use which will do so (it's currently awaiting approval in the marketplace, but I can just give it to you here if you want -- let me know).

Good luck.

jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
My Page List custom template is now available in the marketplace:

You can use this to display the actual content from a page in the Page List block -- so if for example you wanted to show the 1 most recent post on your home page, you add a Page List block to your home page, have it set to show only 1 page, sort it from newest to oldest. After you've added this block but before you click "Exit Edit Mode" (so while it still has the red dotted line around it), click on it and choose "Custom Template" from the popup menu, then select "Teasers" from the list.

That should do it!

DigitalCrate replied on at Permalink Reply
Yep, jordanlev has hit the nail on the head there, I've just tested that out on a dev site I have running as I've never used it myself and the Page List block should do what you are after perfectly, thanks jordanlev, you've helped me learn something new too :)