Where's the code in concrete

Hi, where has gone a good portion of the core code??

For example, in the file:


All that it's inside is:

class SecurimageSystemCaptchaTypeController extends Concrete5_Model_SecurimageSystemCaptchaTypeController {}

Where has the code gone??

And I can see that many files that I used to check/overwrite in the core are this way now.

Phallanx replied on at Permalink Reply
kesnav replied on at Permalink Reply
Oh, I see... thanks a lot.

But, how do I override those files?

I don't understand why now there is yet another duplication of the c5 directory structure... one in [root]/concrete another one in [root]/ for overrides and now ANOTHER one in [root]/concrete/core ? wow.
mhawke replied on at Permalink Reply
You can override them the same way as before. This 'empty' file is part of a new architecture.

From what I understand, the old way of overriding files in 5.5 was to completely replace the core file with your own file. There is a fundamental problem with this architecture because when an improvement is made to the core file, your installation won't see it because you have over-ridden the entire file. You would have to re-apply your over-ride tweak into the new improved version of the core file in order to take advantage of their improvement while still having your custom tweak.

In 5.6 they implemented a different architecture that allows the core files to be 'extended' by over-riding just the functions you want to tweak. Now when improvements happen in a core file, you are much more likely to see these improvements reflected in your site unless you were over-riding the specific function that was improved.

There's also a new setting in the Dashboard where you can speed up your site by caching all your over-rides so it doesn't have to check whether each file has an over-ride.

C5 isn't perfect (no software ever is) but Andrew knows what he's doing.
kesnav replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes, that makes sense. Thanks for replying!
mhawke replied on at Permalink Reply