White page error and cannot access home page anymore for editing
I posted this a few days ago and nobody replied that is why I am posting again.
Please, I need urgent help. For some reason I keep getting a white page with an "0" at the top left corner when I try to log into my site. When I am lucky enough to by pass this initial problem and log into my site, I am unable to view my home page and I get thesame white screen with an "0" at the top left corner. Please can anyone give me advice because I have no clue what is going on. Thanx
I have just spoken to my server provider and they say it is a database problem, so its with concrete "5".
Please, I need urgent help. For some reason I keep getting a white page with an "0" at the top left corner when I try to log into my site. When I am lucky enough to by pass this initial problem and log into my site, I am unable to view my home page and I get thesame white screen with an "0" at the top left corner. Please can anyone give me advice because I have no clue what is going on. Thanx
I have just spoken to my server provider and they say it is a database problem, so its with concrete "5".

What were the last few changes you made to the site before the problem occurred, and did the problem occur immediately or soon after any of those changes?
I did not make any changes, I only requested that Ipage (my server provider) to activate a webalizer application so that I can view visitor statistics on the 2 days ago. The next day, I started having this problem, I have spoken to ipage but they say its a database problem and they cannot deal with it.