why concrete5 query the table of database which name with a first uppercase letter

That's the error I have got:
mysql error: [1146: Table 'concrete.Packages' doesn't exist] in EXECUTE("select pkgID, pkgName, pkgIsInstalled, pkgDescription, pkgVersion, pkgHandle, pkgDateInstalled from Packages where pkgIsInstalled = 1 order by pkgID asc")

The concrete5 code query the table of database which name with a first uppercase letter, But the table's name with a first lowercase letter is saved in the database while intalling.Then I got this error msg.
Someone told me to change the config of mysql ,but I have not permission to deal with the server,How can I fix the code to make quering table with a lowercase name?
Please give me some suggestions,I will appreciate your kindness help.