Why does a trial period window keep popping up?
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Where do I need to host it so that I don't lose the site I've been working on?
Also, once I host it will I have access to the code because now I can't find I can work on the code.
We do not also provide free hosting however.
It sounds like you setup a trial instantly from our get started page, where it says...
"Option A : Host With Us
Get started with a free trial. When you're happy with what you've created and ready for more, don't worry. We offer hosting plans with great support.
You can get started right away:"
So yes, setup a hosting account with us and we can turn your trial into a live site for you. You'll get SFTP and SSH access and all that goodness you would expect with a hosting account.
You can also setup concrete5 on any number of other webhosts like bluehost or hostgator - but you will not be able to move your trial site's content over.