Would someone please help me? C5 V 6.5.3 Slide show borders taking over whole page


I have another slideshow issue that I can't find in the tutorials. I appreciate the ones who helped me with my last issue and hope that I can find someone willing to help me with this one. :)

Anyway, if you take a look at the page, I got my slideshow in there and working just fine, but... the damn thing has a white border all the way around it that is a mile wide. Is there any way to shrink that border so that I can move my text up beside the slide show. I already made sure my blocks were not wider than 400 pixels.

The webpage ishttp://wanderz.us/index.php/my-tennessee-home/...

Stupid additional question: Are all my webpages gonna have the index.php in there since I am using this program? I am used to my pages goinghttp://wanderz.net/my-tennessee-home.... Just seems weird or I may not be doing something right.

Also, I have seen webpages where they have text, but they also have little buttons to push on the sides to turn the pages That way you have a screen of text and just click the button and keep reading instead of scrolling or am I getting too ambitious?

I sure do appreciate your time to help me on this problem. Thanks so much.



wanderful replied on at Permalink Reply
That should have read images in my slideshow block. Sorry the brain ran away faster then the fingers could follow.
WebcentricLtd replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Wanda,
if you don't want the /index.php/ in your website URLs you need to enable pretty URLs in the dashboard:

go to

Dashboard >
system & Settings >
SEO & Statistics->Pretty URLs
& check the box to enable pretty URLS
wanderful replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks AndyJ,

That was a pretty easy fix. Thank you so very much!

I have another question pertaining to the webpages I am creating. In the file manager on my ipage webhost. I don't see where the pages are being stored. Are they being stored in the sql database instead of as a file in a folder on the website? Thanks again. :)
mhawke replied on at Permalink Reply
I'll jump in here. There are no 'physical' pages in the traditional sense. In the concrete5 lingo, pages are actually 'collections' because they are created on the fly by collecting up all the different components (mainly blocks) and rendering the 'page'. They are never stored as one page.
WebcentricLtd replied on at Permalink Reply
hi again,
fixing the whitespace around your slideshow and floating the text around it is a more complex task.

You might be better off just adding larger versions of the photos and filling up the space better.

If you swapped your current images for ones that are 800 pix wide that would fill your horizontal space.

Don't replace the images via the filemanager though - just upload new bigger ones and select them in the slideshow. There might be something there I have misunderstood and you might need to reverse back to the smaller images.
mhawke replied on at Permalink Reply
AndyJ is correct. Some concrete5 image add-ons can make a large original image smaller (which is a very good feature) but it will avoid making a small original image larger because the quality of that expanded image will usually be horrible. As AndyJ suggests, upload larger images which are the same width as the page and your white space will disappear. I like the free Blueberry Slider myself for a simple slideshow.

To actually move the text up beside the slideshow will require a different Page Type such as a Right Sidebar so that the slideshow stays in the main part and the text goes in the sidebar.
wanderful replied on at Permalink Reply
The webpage won’t let me reply on there. It keeps giving me invalid token after I write my reply.

Anyway, I am not sure how to put the blueberry in there since it is not an add on. I went to this page cause it said plug ins.


I did very much like this

Lightweight Carousel Plugin For jQuery - Cycle.js

Darn the picture didn’t come out.

But I also like the one that said amazon style with title scroller, although I would only want one bar going across the page, not 3.

Is there a certain way I need to get that plug in. I didn’t see any mention of Concrete5 on there.


From: concrete5 Community
Sent: Sunday, October 26, 2014 11:34 AM
To: wand@frontier.com
Subject: Would someone please help me? C5 V 6.5.3 Slide show borders taking over whole page : Editing with concrete5
mhawke replied on at Permalink Reply

If you go to Dashboard->Add-ons and type 'Blueberry' in the search box, you can install the Blueberry slider right from the dashboard.

Adreco is probably on to something with the suggestion to add a layout to the Main area.
wanderful replied on at Permalink Reply
HI AndyJ,

So what your saying is that I can't resize the slideshow area itself to make it to where it is taking up less space on the page? It has to take up the width of the whole page?

The images I had in there were big and I resized them down to the 400 size as that is all the space I wanted dedicated to the slideshow on the webpage. With the slideshow thing being that big, it looks horrible even if the pix are big.

Thanks Andyj I sure appreciate you taking the time to help me.

From: concrete5 Community
Sent: Sunday, October 26, 2014 9:42 AM
To: wand@frontier.com
Subject: Would someone please help me? C5 V 6.5.3 Slide show borders taking over whole page : Editing with concrete5
Adreco replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Wanda,
Have you tried the Layout option to make the available block area smaller. The slideshow is scaling itself to the available space and I think you're on a full page layout. Watch http://blog.arvixe.com/the-concrete5-layout-tool/... to see how to use the layout option and maybe try creating a 3-column area with the center area being large enough to accept the slideshow.
Its a quick fix and handier than creating a new page type for a single use.

Arvixe Web Hosting / Concrete5 Community Liaison |
mhawke replied on at Permalink Reply
I have had some good results by adding some CSS to the slideshow block.

1) Click on the Slideshow block and choose 'Design'
2) Click on the 'CSS' tab and paste the following in the box:

3) Click on the 'Spacing' tab and add 20px of padding to the right and 10px to the bottom

After coming out of Edit mode, the text wraps the slideshow.