X10 Hosting issue
I'm not sure I got the entire package of Concrete5 on my x10 hosting account, using Softaculus on a cPanel...I can't get a left nav, I can't seem to do anything that I used to be able to do.
Can someone explain to me the reasons for this? Or have things changed in the last year or so since I made my first site using Concrete5? I seem to have a nearly impossible time navigating my way to something remotely resembling "simple"
A little irked that I don't know how to Manage my Content.
Can someone explain to me the reasons for this? Or have things changed in the last year or so since I made my first site using Concrete5? I seem to have a nearly impossible time navigating my way to something remotely resembling "simple"
A little irked that I don't know how to Manage my Content.