XHTML & CSS Validation errors?


I'm really impressed with the ease of concrete5, however every template I install has xhtml or css errors when I run my site through the wc3 validator. I can see where the errors are but can't access the source html to fix it!

Can anyone tell me how i can fix these errors? I am using Bluehost as the host. I have found the template files in the Packages folder in Bluehost and edited the site.css, footer.php and header.php but that seems to make things worse, as it appears to remember some changes but not others!

Thanks in advance!

Mnkras replied on at Permalink Reply
Link to the site? its hard to tell without seeing it
12345j replied on at Permalink Reply
it may also be problems with blocks.
finefox replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi, I uninstalled c5 from my cpanel, reinstalled it and applied a new theme, so There's no content in it at the moment. The HTML looks ok but the CSS is still returning errors. The theme I used prior to the uninstall was 'simple style', and as soon as I put in content the XHTML and CSS errors appeared in the validator. Yes it may be a block issue. Any ideas? Thanks for your replies, it's much appreciated!
Mnkras replied on at Permalink Reply
those css errors are actually errors with the validator, just ignore them
12345j replied on at Permalink Reply
The css validator is running the core css which isn't wrong, the results are messed up.
Shotster replied on at Permalink Reply
I see 3 CSS errors and 5 mark-up errors. The CSS errors can be safely ignored. The mark-up errors are indeed from malformed mark-up and should be corrected.

finefox replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks, great to hear I can ignore the CSS issues!

The HTML now has errors – how do I get into the source and edit these? They are simple errors that I can fix I just can’t access them, or find the files anywhere.

When the content was in, one of the errors was <p></p> tags that the block wrapped around a <h2> tag. I could access the html through the wysiwyg but it would not save my changes (eg removal of <p> tags), as the template drops in the <h2> tags automatically. It looks like a similar thing is happening to the ‘Home’ nav link.

Does anyone else have these problems?

Thanks for looking into it 12345j.

Thanks all!
finefox replied on at Permalink Reply
No worries, have fixed the problem.