
Social network on C5 to rival Ning?

When Ning started charging I wasn't a heavy C5 user. Now that I need Ning again for a client I'm wondering if C5 could be a practical option. Has anyone cobbled together the add-ons to create a social network on C5? Need an easy way for parents to opt in …

Warning: imagejpeg() [function.imagejpeg]: Unable to open

I'm migrating a site and keep getting this error on some pages. Mainly the pages using the Dojo page filter, but not always. Warning: imagejpeg() [function.imagejpeg]: Unable to open '/home/SITENAME/public_html/files/cache/052f225905c1618003df0c5088ae…

Remove News From dashboard drop down

Hello, I am tryig to remove the text that says "News – Learn about your site and concrete5" from the dashboard drop down. I have removed it from the dashboard by changing the permissions of dashboard/dashboard in the sitemap, but it doesnt disappear…

cHandle is null

I've got a problem where the cHandle of the Collections table doesn't get saved when I create a new page. Anyone know what may fix this? Can I accurately use the cvHandle from the CollectionVersions table to filter a page list?

Spam increases day by day

It is a huge problem as the activities of spammers are increased day by day. It must need to prevent spamming in C5 community as it is a very useful forum for so many users. Please have some attention on this C5 gurus. Rony

ipad favour

Could i ask a favour of any ipad owners reading this... I have received some comments from users that my site does not render properly on a ipad and not able to check this myself at the moment can i throw this request out there. any ipad owner would you m…

Email notification for form submission

Hello, I am unable to receive emails when a visitor to my site uses a block_form_submission. I thought I would recieve an email notification everytime a visitor submitted something through my contact form. Every entry is successfully coming thr…

Can't upgrade to 5.6 through Dashboard

I recently noticed on the Concrete5 site that 5.6 was released. I am running When I go through Backup & Restore >> Update concrete5 >> Check For Updates, nothing happens. I was assuming that concrete5 would update to the latest version th…

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