
User profile and blog linking

Ok, This is turning out to be a little more complicated then I thought, hoping you guys can help shed some light on this..too many variables :) Right, I'm making a website, and it has to feature user profiles. There will be about six members, and an ad…

Blocks with pretty urls not shown but with cID

Hi guys, I have a serious problem with my c5-site. Both links lead to the same page, but when I access it via mod_rewrite, blocks disappear. …

Why is my site so slow

It takes forever to load my site and there is hardy anything on it .It has two slideshows one with 7 pitures and one with two pictures. I'm hosted with Ipage and the site is What I'm I doing wrong does any one know…

Can C5 do this for me?

I've had a look around, albeit a man look, and am not sure if I can use C5 to achieve what I want. I design my own bespoke sites, I do not want that to change, and I want to be able to allow my clients to amend text, amend SEO data and amend images in …

crash after upgrade from 3.3.1 to 3.4.1

After upgrading a vanilla website with the green salad theme then attempting to add a page I get the following errors [code] Uncaught exception 'ADODB_Exception' with message 'mysql error: [1062: Duplicate entry '3-77' for key 'PRIMARY'] in EXECUTE("i…

New Free Addons

Hi Everyone, We have recently created several free addons that many of you may find useful, Fork me on GitHub Add a "Fork me on GitHub" to your site. Global Areas *New* Simple pull…

Add-on Library Within Dashboard Incomplete

Is it just us or is the Add-on library (Add Functionality --> More Add-ons) within your sites dashboard not displaying all the Add-ons in the marketplace? Just to name a few, here are some of the ones I've searched for but can't find from within our si…

html5 and css compliance

I'm a graphic designer with a client who wants me to build them a website, and suggests concrete5.Other designers have told me that I need to make sure my site is html5 and css compliant so that it works with all browsers. I've searched you site and haven…

Add-on update policy question

Is it actually true that one cannot get the most current version of an previously purchased add-on via Transactions/Licenses at "My Account"? In other words, is it true, that purchased add-ons won't get updated automatically in the download archive? M…

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