Developing (v7+)

Slideshow with multiple images at once

Hey all. I have a site that I would like to have a set of 5 of their customer logos display at a time as a slideshow but I can't figure out how to alter the slideshow template to make this happen. I was able to do this using a page list template and an im…

Speed problems

Hi all, First time here at the forum, and I hope you guys/girls can help me out. I made my first Concrete site and built my own theme. Problem is that the site is slow every once in a while. The site is located at;…

Greek Yoghurt - Editing text in foot

Hi! Is it possible to change/add/delete the text in the foot? I would like to place an address section there. I am a beginner and using templates - not a programmer (can get some help though). Thanks for fast reply! see attached file

Repeating the contents of a block within the same page

I've bumped into this scenario a couple times, it's a rarity so it was never a big deal but one instance where this would be useful would be something like a fundraiser page. I can't use a global block because every fundraiser is different. At the top …

how to fix 5.5 xss issue without upgrade to 5.6

Hi guys, We just finished a project with C5 5.5 recently. The client is requiring us to fix the cross site scripting issue. But we really don't want upgrade system to 5.6 at this stage(There must be a fully regression test after the upgrade.If any thin…

Custom editor toolbar

Hmm, I try to make some usage of Rich Text Editor "custom" tollbar set feature - I follow this article: http:|| But no luck. Even native code what is displayed in the window right after "Cus…

RSS feed on external site

I finally was able to get the page list block to work with my custom template so I had permission to view the RSS feed. I got the link to the RSS feed and when I put it directly into a browser window, it works great. However, when I go to feedburner or an…

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