Developing (v7+)

How are areas defined in php positioned?

Problem: For some reason with some themes it happens that when you for instance add some content to the header aerea the content will overlay the main aerea below instead of pushing it down. Or, for instance in the core dark chocolate theme the header…

Can't connect project to community

I have gone through the Connect to Community process several times, but my "project" never shows up under my profile\projects area. I have some purchased software I need to download, but can't do it until I get this done, right?

jQuery Mobile Conflicts

I apologise for bringing this up again, I cannot find a definitive answer. I have create a mobile site by using jquery mobile, and a custom block for mobile navigation, but I cannot allow the css and js files from loading if a use is logged in. If…

Which Lightbox effect is used on this page?

On the concrete5 add-on pages - when you click 'Screenshots' which add-on is being used to launch a lightbox that allows you to scroll images that don't appear on the page? Like here: Th…

Geocode address and display Google map?

I'm coming from the Drupal world where I've created a custom content type, for example schools, and the schools content type has address information. On entering in a new school the address is geocoded into lat and long and then these coordinates are in …

How to check if a tag has been selected - then do something

In need to display a video icon for any pages that have had a videos tag selected - basically I need to add a into the markup if the videos tag has been selected: At the start of he foreach loop I have this to load the tags: [code] $tags = $page->ge…

Single Page Not Using View.php

I'm seeing an issue where my single page is not loading the view.php file. It seems to access the controller fine.. I saw another similar post where it talks about making sure that site_theme_paths.php is set up to use your current theme, and it is.. …

(SOLVED) And subpage pages to single page in dashboard

Followed this tutorial Got my single page, but according to the tutorial to add subpages all I have to do is this: Dashboard subpages Adding a subpage is as easy as creating anoth…

Maintenance mode

Anyone got this to work properly? I don't mean being redirected to the dashboard when I go to the home page. I mean visiting the home page from the dashboard so I can maintain it. It just sends me to the maintenance page eveytime.

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