Developing (v7+)

Overwrite CLI

hi, i was wondering if there is another way to "fake" a CLI install of concrete. i copied /controllers/install.php and changed line 317 to: if (PHP_SAPI != 'cli' && !defined("CLI")) { because i want to install concrete from another site using aj…

Shop - Multi Buy

Hello, I have a customer who wishes to have a multi buy option in his shop and was wondering how to go about doing this. He would like product sets to have the option of if you purchase 3 items at lets say £5 each that if you buy three you can have …

simple .htaccess query

hi guys, if I want to specify a certain url in the htaccess which will not be 'friendly url'd' when executed or give me page not found what would I type into my htaccess? say the url is: any advice would be great! …

5.6 Beta Question

I have a look at the wip of the next concrete5 on github which looks awesome by the way. What's the purpose of the restructuring in the core? This will change how dev can handle override of the concrete core right ?

Tool bar gone

Hi The tool bar has gone. I have [code][/code] above [code][/code] Looking into this further, in concrete/libraries/view.php the [code]$this->footerItems[/code] is empty. There are no jQuery conflicts and the page is loading completely. I a…

User Attributes required for Admin

Hi, Is there an easy way that anyone knows of to stop additional "required" User Attributes being applicable to the Admin user? It's real faff having to enter in this content. Would be really nice if User Attributes could be applied to User Groups.

Displaying form responses/results

Hello, I'm looking (and have been for simply ages) at a simple way to display the form responses on a page for users. I currently have a sign up form for users to create a profile, with multiple fields and options which I wish for other users to brow…

Paginate an array

Hey developers! I need a pagination tool on a array. The array is data from an external datalist. So no database queries available. Any suggestions? Best, Corretje

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