Developing (v7+)

User permissions don't change while the user is logged in?

I've noticed that if a user is added to a group while logged in they don't seem to get that group's permissions until they log in again. The scenairo: User A logs in. While A is logged in, the Admin adds them to the "can see cool stuff" group. …

Showing custom data using Attributes

I've been trying to find some entry level tutorials on understanding how to use attibutes to show custom data, etc, but can't find anything. I'm really not a programmer, more a themer. I would really like to be able to show data cstom data, images, files,…

Force "www" in the URL?

Hi! I believe previous versions of Concrete used to force "www" into the website URL, but the new version does not. Is this simply a difference in the htaccess script, or...? I'm having issues with users who cannot load Ajax content, because whether…

Adding Functionality to the Dashboard

Is it possible to add functionality into the dashboard with concrete5? I would like to create an add-on that does not fit into the design of a block and it would need to have a management piece. I was hoping to add this management in the dashboard but I a…

Added block not editable

Hi, I created a block. But the first time after I add the block to the page, and then click add button. Although I am still in the Editing mode of the page, but the block I newly added is not editable. When I hover the mouse over it, the ccm-highlighte…

Including geotargeting script.

Hi I'm trying to install a php script from MindMax. Code; if (isset($_COOKIE["geoip"])) { $country = $_COOKIE['geoip']; $GLOBALS['geoip'] = $country; } else { include("/var/www/vhosts/"); $gi = geoip_…

How to create checkbox in add block pop up window

Hi, I create a block which requires a checkbox in the add block pop up window. Here is part of my code in the form_setup_html.php [code] [/code] Here is part of my code in the db.xml [code] [/code] But even if I uncheck the checkbox, …

Print Stylesheet not rendering

I have made my template in HTML and have tested my print stylesheet and all is ok. Now I have applied my theme and attached to C5 however my print stylesheet if not even rendering as per the stylesheet Is there something I have missed here as I can'…

Getting add on to work

I have the add on and the I got the free force SSl add on, and I couldn't get the form to work, so I purchased an SSL, and I still can't get it to work. My server is with Bluehost, I would love some directions.

Adding a custom button the the Edit Toolbar in 5.5.1

I've been struggling to try and get a custom button (a link to a Single Page of Training Videos for editors) added to the Edit Toolbar in C5 v5.5.1... and everything I've tried has failed. I gave a shot using the Interface helper. No luck. Then I t…

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