Developing (v7+)

insert/edit image not responding

Have tried using the insert/edit image in the add contnet block but seems to be failing, any ideas. I've included the path concrete5.4.2.2/themes/nori/images/product.jpg what have I missed?

Advise on C5 strategy for running 3 webpages

I need to run 3 different webpages for different businesses I own. I am building the pages in C5 and I am wondering what my best approach is. Since I just ran into issues again on my GoDaddy hosting I am going to finally switch hosts and I am thinking to …

Cashie sure seems like a good option for ecommerce

Have been reviewing a few older threads I received a year ago concerning ecommerce and found one about Cashie. It appears to be quite a good option. Wondered if there was anyone out there who has used Cashie with Concrete5.

getCollectionPath() for 1st and subsequent levels

It was suggested that I hard code my main nav because the design and functionality is really complicated, so I put my main navigation in navigation_menu.php and am using in header.php to include it. This is what some of the markup looks like in navigatio…

C5 encoding

I just can't get the characters to display correctly. I tried checking database charsets, collations and everything seems to be utf8. Interesting thing: There's a single page: 'single_pages/whatever.php', which prints out some data from the database. [c…

Ecommerce Addon and mass product uploads

Hello- Quick question. Is there a way to do a mass product import from an excel sheet on the ecomm addon? I have a client who wants over 200 products loaded on the site and a script import would be awesome. Thanks Fusioncorp

Confirm Crippling Address Attribute Bug

I have two websites that are no longer able to add pages through the c5 interface. I wrote a bug report here: Can anyone help me verify this…

I want to use my page as a Template

Hi, I have created a home page for what is going to be a multi-page site and want to have that page replicate every time I click add page. I have created this homepage using.png images and using the "design" tool…

Creating Buttons

I have created a site and I have an image within the "Nav", The button image can stay static but the text over wants to work but obviously line up with the buttons. Someone has mentioned dynamic but that I know not…

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