Developing (v7+)

help converting javascript to block

I am trying to convert the following code into the block format? I have read all the forum posts that I could find already. If someone could just get me going in the right direction I could probably figure it out. Here is how I load the script on a n…

A few questions about Concrete5

Hi, I run a fairly large video posting site with over 40,000 active members, and I am looking at moving the site off Joomla. I have a few questions about concrete5. 1)How hard is it to import the user accounts from Joomla? 2)Is there anything simila…

Jscript - the old problem

Hy to all. I read allot of jscript and motool problems here But I have no answer for my problem yet. I have to insert an affiliate banner on my page ( containing // As usual , after inserting it, the site display the banner but the top ed…

Date localization guidelines for multilanguage sites

Hi all, I am working with Concrete5 and I would like to understand what are the guidelines to correctly write code for multilingual sites. I am interested in understanding what approach to use to have dates in english and in italian, like these:…

Space Character in Additional Page Url

Hi All, Is it possible to have a space (%20) character in the Additional Page Url? I have inherited a customised concrete5 app that has a user-defined model with space characters in the handles!! I use these handles to generate urls for links in …

Integrated Forum or Embed external forum

Hello, I am new to C5 and would like a forum for one of the websites I am trying C5 with. I have found the Discussion Forums Add-in from C5 and like it for the most part. I have no problem purchasing the add-in but my concern is that if me or the client …

Upgrading possibility broken

Hi everyone I have a really anoying problem. I made a site locally on my Xampp server in version and after setting this LIVE on a live server, a new version of Concrete came out, and I updated it to the new version (5.4.2) which ran smoothly…

What's Your Order of Operations?

What I mean by this is, what's your process like when you start building out a new C5 site? I'm trying to hammer down the best order to do things in and I'm curious what others do. For the most part, this is how I do things: 1.) Install C5 2.) Slic…

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