Developing (v7+)

Adding smarter DISQUS to your concrete5

Guys, I've just finished figuring out a smarter way to implement Disqus, a third-party commenting system Sometime, you don't bother users to register on your site, but comment using Facebook, twitter or other social ID. Disqus is a fine comment s…

Argh! Which blog addon?

I thought there was just one paid for blog addon - but there is 3 and I can't work out which is the best to go with. I want a pretty stock standard simple blog - I have two blog sections on my site each with about 5 categories each. I was leaning t…

Site Theme Paths

Hi guys, I am trying to get the current page id from the site_theme_path but doesn't seem to work. I am using the following code. $page = Page::getCurrentPage(); echo $page->getCollectionID() Im guessing its not working because this file loads b…

Why is first pageload always so slow?

Hi fellow c5'ers During the last couple days I've been wondering why a concrete5 site I have as a test install, and therefore not heavily visited, is always slow on first pageload: I have caching enabled, and it seems to do …

Newbie C5 developer looking for expertise

Hey all- I discovered C5 a couple of weeks ago, and I'm extremely impressed with it! The learning curve is so much shorter compared to Joomla and even WP, I'm completely converted. The customizability and flexibility are far beyond anything I've used t…

Integrating SAML instead of OpenID

I'm just throwing this out there but I've recently been asked about creating a members area using SAML 2.0 as the sign on. The client has their own LDAP, SAML service that they currently use and have stated that it would be a "nice to have" feature. Ha…

Non-US dateformat, jquery datepicker and core c5

I recently altered my site.php to set the dateformat to UK. [code] define('DATE_APP_GENERIC_MDY', 'd/m/Y'); define('DATE_APP_GENERIC_MDYT_FULL', 'd/m/Y H:i:s'); define('DATE_APP_GENERIC_MDYT', 'd/m/Y H:i:s'); [/code] However on entering public d…

Select help

Hi, I am having difficulty understanding how to add an "onchange" event to a selectbox My code from the form: [code] [/code] And my code from the auto.js: [code] function ChangeTemplateMemo() { var HiddenFieldToUse = eval("document.getE…

Full screen background

I'm trying to implement a supersized background slideshow into a website and have hit a number of issues. Firstly I can't get the images block area to be small in edit mode so that I can add more than one using the code below is there a solution (have a I…

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