Developing (v7+)

File Selection in Page Attributes

I've added a page attribute of the type File. So, I get to choose a file in the property editor window. I get the selected file in my theme php script using $c->getCollectionAttributeValue('header_img'). I want to use the file (image) url in an img …

PHP class error

I'm trying to use my own classes in my C5 site. Unfortunately I am unable to. They won't load in my template for some reason. I assume this is cause C5 won't allow it, because when i run them in a static page it works fine. Is there something special …


Is there a way to take the home page out of the navigation and make "home" just a landing page? Maybe link the header or logo image to go to the landing page.


whats the best way to make a pdf download have a icon so there isn't a link but a icon to click?

Company Directory: importing data into Concrete5

Hi, I'm a designer not a programmer. In the past I've used Dreamweaver, but I haven't used any kind of CMS solution previously. I still find CSS a bit alien. I'm considering using Concrete5 for a forth-coming project. The project requirements inclu…

Uploading KML files for google maps pre

I tried to upload a KML file, but after selecting it, error invailed extention? so how do you get it uploaded to select? Frank the real file name is 700Fentress.kmz saved from google earth

Accessing the database directly

For my custom block, I am accessing my own tables in the database using C5's extraction layer via $db = Loader::db(); Is there a built-in function to give me the ID of the last acted-on (esp inserted) record?

Content Block Editing size

Is there a way to enlarge the editing screen, like a full screen mode? So as to get a better ideal what it will look like before having to save and view. Frank

Form posting but no message

The form block seems to storing and emailing, however isn't displaying the designated confirmation message. Instead it just returns to the homepage. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Search Post to Another Page

I need to send my search results to another page... this seems not to be working. I selected this in the edit of the search block, and told it to use the search page... still will not work. Can someone help me out here?

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