Developing (v7+)

Relative URLs within the HTML block.

One section of the site I am converting to concrete5 was created and is maintained by a different person. It uses a completely different theme than the rest of the site, and they have asked me to leave it as is - essentially just copy the HTML across. I h…

Where would be the right place to discuss possible core contributions?

I have a couple of minor ideas for changes in the core code that don't seem to have a feature request/bug yet. However, before implementing them and creating a pull request, I would like to discuss them first with somebody who is familiar with the code…

broken links after migration.

Hi guys, I have some problems with migrating C5. I have migrated MySQL and files to new server ( index page works fine, but when I click on the links I get 404. I have to manually add .../index.php/... behind the…

Creating Fabebook tabs with Concrete5

Hi guys, i was wondering if there is a same kind of app to create Facebook Tabs for Concrete5 like there is Tabspresso for Wordpress? / Mika

Migrating from one theme to another

I'm new to C5. I used the default theme to build my site. It's ok but it is a bit stark. Is it possible to migrate the site to a new theme or do I just have to build it over again in the new theme? It's not that a complex site, so I wouldn't mind rebuildi…

Tutsplus Course on Concrete5, only $15

For anyone interested, I just found this Course on Concrete5 on Tutsplus, and it's only $15 I can't say I'm recommending it because I haven't taken it. If anyone does take it, I'm sure…

Passing URL parameters for redirecting to external website

I'm trying to create a link that redirects to a concrete5 page. This page accepts a URL parameter of another URL However because the parameter is not recoginzed by Concrete5 it throws a 404 error. mywebsite/redirect/redirect.h…

Create a Mail Importer without a validation hash

I'd like to create a mail importer that would do the following: * Capture the 'from' address and verify the email is associated with a user and that the user is part of a 'can use mail importer' group. * Capture the subject and body to use as a title an…

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