Developing (v7+)

Existing Page Types defined in C5

Hi I've just installed C5 using the default theme (Plain Yogurt). When I check "Page Types" in the Dashboard, I could only see one Page Type called "Right Sidebar" set up. It has 2 columns. I want to create a page type where there is only 1 column. …

Autonav template using box

Hi People. Can some one help me here.. I have a nice css style drop down menu on my site but it causes issue with touch devices, (no hover) So I have added a second nav which is displayed when the broswer window is shrunk. All good I have created…

Form attachements

Are there any news about the possibility to have the files attached via the form block to get sent as downloadable link or attachement to the recipient. All threads I found are pretty old. Many thanks

Architecture question about blocks and page_types

Hello, On my websites I have several blocks that are on every page of a certain pagetype and don't need any parameters. Normally, you can't add (anmore?) a block that has only the bId as paramater. You get an error message that says, you need at lea…

Multiple Page Type filters within a Page List block

Hi all, I've run into a challenge where by I could do with creating a page list block that filters not just by one Page Type but rather two, so that the resultant list of pages are of either Page Type X or Page Type Y. I've delved into the core page…

Ecommerce changing the size and color of the price

hi i am quiet stuck with the e commerce add on. i want to change the size of the price, because at the moment it is white and the background is also white and it is just to small to read it easy to read. can i change it with changing the theme colors?


What is the best way to add forms with conditions? For example the form starts off a question with 2 options, if option 1 is chosen by user they are sent to a second part of the same form, if option 2 is chosen they are sent to some page.

Converting a site to Concrete5

Hello I am fairly new to web development and i'm trying to convert a site I made to be compatible with Concrete5. I have been manually updating the code and it has become too time consuming. Fortunately, I found that CMS will make things easier. Th…

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