Installation Help

Help! column cruiser - main.css not importing

Just prior to backing up and allowing super users to add/correct content I updated the site and tried to stop the updates screen on admin logon by adding define('ENABLE_MARKETPLACE_SUPPORT', false); define('ENABLE_NEWSFLOW_OVERLAY', false); to the /con…

Can't connect to database

I am getting this error on a site that has been functioning fine for the last 6 months or so. I have seen other posts in the forum on this, but the ones I found are related to migrating or updating sites. Neither of those apply here. The site was working …

Read / Write separation

Does anyone know whether it's possible to separate read/write queries in Concrete5 and send them to different mysql instances? I want to see what Amazon Web Services RDS read replicas can do to help scaling.

deleting to start from scratch

Hello, After a site migration, I'm having many problems with my site so I decided to delete everything and re-install... The problem I'm having is I can't delete all the site. The "files" folder won't delete, due to some permissions issue, it would …

Missing dashboard dropdown intermittently after upgrade

I upgraded my personal site to awhile ago and since then it's had intermittent times when the dashboard dropdown doesn't display anything other than the "News" and "Extend" entries, everything else is missing. It kind of comes and goes, it was ju…

Unexpected Error Downloading Update Version:

Does anyone have any idea why I'm getting the following error message when trying to update my version of C5, in the C5 dashboard please? Message reads: "The following errors occurred when attempting to process your request: The directory /kunde…

Unable to install extended background block from marketplace.

I try to upload the file via FTP to Packages as stated. The upload terminates early with incomplete transfer (some folder structure, but basically zero k.) Tried to upload both the zip file and the unzipped files, same result. Error message seems to indic…

working with varoius sites on localserver

Hello. I am new to CMS and servers... So I install Concrete5 on local. I worked on my site. It is Ok. it is online. Now I want to work on a new site on local. And there, I don't know how to poroceede. Do I have to make a new xampp + Concrete5 installat…

Add on not showing up in add blocks list

Have downloaded a new feature content slider that is compatible with 5.5.0. Have installed it. It shows up in the packages folder on the webserve, and as well as in the add functionality window. But when we go to the add block list to add it to a page, it…

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