Legacy (version 5.6.x-)

Meta Title Description table in phpmyadmin

Hi Im trying to find the table phpmyadmin or qry i can use to somehow populate a list to export the meta title and descriptions of all the products in the old core commerce plugin. any help here will be very much appreciated.

Marketplace Deletion Soon - What about documentation?

Hi All, I understand that the 5.6 marketplace will be removed very soon. I already am not able to buy addons that I wanted because unfortunately not all developers respond, can't blame them I suppose. Are there any moves to archive documentation for…

Addon domain addressing

Used to be able to send links to child pages within an addon domain directory on my main domain. Now everything after the forward slash is ignored and defaults to the addon domain's index page. Example: main-donain.com has a directory with addon-domain.co…

Legacy version : 403 error for stylesheets

I am getting a 403 error when trying to link to my stylesheets. Never happened before. Went through the usual process using absolute path for stylesheets and images without any joy. [code] [core:crit] (13)Permission denied: AH00529: /var/www/vhosts/to…

PHP 7.3

I have concrete running with PHP 7.3 on my local WAMP server. Initially I had some PHP Warnings in the concrete\core\models\custom_style.php file which were easily fixed by changing "continue" to "continue 2" on lines 75, 82 and 93. Has anyone e…

Updating from

Soooooo...I'm a little behind updating Concrete5. I miss the auto upgrade features . Concrete5 user for 6 years. I'm a editor not a developer so some things take a while for me to figue out. I read through pages and pages of legacy documentation and…

Upgrading from 5.6 to 5.7 / 8 because PHP is upgraded - how to?

Dear braintrust, I have created several websites for clients 5 years ago using Concret5. All work, all happy customers. Since then have changed direction, and not been spending any time with Concrete5. Now customers are calling me, panicked: their w…

Add Block Error / Manually Remove Add On?

Seem to be having an issue adding blocks due to a add on called 'social feed'.. Attempted to go to the system page to 'edit' the add on so I could remove it but the page to remove the add on doesn't even load. Attached is two pictures one showing the edit…

Form only works when Signed in.

Hi I'm very new to C5 so Sorry in advanced if I've missed anything: I have two forms on my page suffering the same thing. I have created two forms using the Stack contents, and I've added the form to one of the stacks, set up the fields, the thank y…

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