Legacy (version 5.6.x-)

Buttons do not show on Edit bar

I have some pages that show buttons on the edit bar and other pages that just show a blank bar at the top as shown in the attached file. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Jordan

Backup database failed

When trying to backup the database before upgrading to the most current version of Concrete5 Version 5.6.x, I got the following error: "Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /home/(username)/public_html/updates/concrete5.6.3.1_up…

SSL Rewrite - won't Resolve domain

I've a few different sites 5.6 and 5.7+. I've recently been switching them all to SSL and adding to the .htaccess RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !=on RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} ^80 RewriteRule (.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_…

How to convert site to run under PHP 7.0

My hosting site just dropped a bomb on me: they no longer support PHP 5.x, but rather PHP 7.0. Obviously my site won't come up without changes to it. What do I have to do to the existing Concrete 5 code to make it run on PHP 7 .0? (I can't find anyth…

mySQLi error on install

Hi.. I'm getting this error installing v5.6.3.5 on a hosting account which already has a 5.6 install for another site a few years ago: mysqli error: [1048: Column 'uID' cannot be null] in EXECUTE("INSERT INTO Config (cfKey,cfValue,uID) VALUES ('NEWSFLO…

Upgrading PHP broke all my 5.6.4x sites

I had my hosting service upgrade my VPS to easyapache4 so I could modify the versions of PHP on a domain basis to start using concrete 5.8 All my concrete sites running are still working fine. However, the few sites I had upgraded to 5.6.4 are…

Adding code to html block

I am trying to set up an event management system on my site. It's a third party website that offers the facility and when i have created the shop and event it generates a code snippet that i should paste into my site. However when I paste in the code into…

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