Editing (v7+)

SQL Error

When browse or editing website the attached SQL error occurs. Anyone have a glue what this means?

Font and size keep changing

Hi - while editing the text, I cannot see the option for changing font size or the font. Sometimes when starting a new paragraph, a new font or a different type size appears. I'm sure I'm missing something very simple... Thanks in advance

Editing blocks giving errors

Hi I have few sites build in C5 and they all using the same theme. I was trying to edit something on one of the site today and when I click on save, it gives me error popup saying "javascript disabled error" and 100's line of code. I am using the sam…

How to change font size & color of FAQ block link text

I'm trying to add faq block and find the faq link text defaults to blue font. I'd like to change to larger font of different color. I've tried adding the following custom CSS to my theme and find it's changing the font size but not changing the font color…

Form Doesn't Redirect on Submit

Hi all, I've a costumer complaining about a form not redirecting to "thank you" page. The form has that setting on and it should be working. All other forms on site work, but no this one on homepage. Please check www.porteleva.pt (bottom left large …

Document Thumbnail size in File Manager

Hi, I have just upgraded to and have noticed document file (PDF etc...) thumbnail sizes are really large in the File Manager. It appears they are ignoring the settings of File Manager Thumbnails 60 x 60. Is anyone else seeing the same issue o…

Browsers block mixed content preventing page editing

Recently ran into this issue where I can no longer edit any blocks or load any page edit forms. Edit block Issue: Browser debuggers are showing similar to the following (Chrome example): Mixed Content: The page at 'https://www.example.com/' was load…

Topic List - Find the Link of the Category (url)

In the Blog list i have topic tree - for example (Video, Web, Seo). I want in the blog entry that the word "Video" be clickable to the Video List (to get the URL of - blog List -> Video) This: [code] I am inside the Blog-Entry - The Topic is: …

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