Editing (v7+)

Next/Previous/Up navigation on all blog entries only

Hi... I'm very new to Concrete5 (time scale measured in days). Using via Bluehost. I'm trying to get next/previous/up navigation on my blog entries. I can add a block to each page manually but that strikes me as being a little ridiculous in te…

Display calendar info

Hi I'm wanting to display my hosted ical link in a block so that users can view the latest diary. The url is not with Google, but is a valid calendar feed. I can't find any add ons that would display the feed, and the RSS display doesn't like it. H…

Strange TinyMCE problem - missing page error! Any ideas?

Hi all, Having a strange issue today with a site. When I try to edit and click the html view or link buttons on TinyMCE I'm getting my custom missing page single page template instead of the correct editing panel. I've tried disabling the custom 404…

Embedded mp4 in a table

Hi, I'm having trouble with something that works "sometimes". I have a 2 cell table. Left cell is an image. Right cell is some text with an embedded mp4 video below it. I've done this several times and it works but inconsistently. I've tried various …

Pro Blog / Events

Hi, I am having difficulty adding new events and blog posts. I can view them in my lists, but they do not publish. I am also having difficulty with Events... I need to add events on weekly but now the recurring option seems to have stopped working …

Edit Menu

Hi where i can modify the menu text? i try to go in site map and click up on the home but i dont have the link propreties. Regards

Predefined/Automated Private Messaging

I'm sure its possible, but is there a concrete5 set method/technique to send a private message via php from one user to another without using a form. Front end process is click a button, which will send a message from one user to another. One way I tho…

My CSS affects the edit bar

Dear People! My CSS (especially those for my menu (ul, li, a)) suddenly affects the appearance of the buttons of my edit bar. For instance it is not possible to create blue menu buttons, without turning the white buttons of the edit bar to blue too. When…

Delete Column

Hi i have three columns i need to delete the column number 2 i go to the Edit Container Layout, but this cancell all column if i click in the garbage, or give my only the possibiliti resize column, so for remove one column what i need to do? Thanks

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