Editing (v7+)

Insert Link to Page use cID=# for link, creating bad links

Hola, Client is having some issues adding links to pages. I've confirmed the issue. When adding a link with the Insert Link to Page button at the top of the inline text editor the link generated is as follows: https://www.verduragardens.com/in…

Edit mode window modal not working

I'm fairly new to C5. I have installed C5 and I have my default page working, and the edit bar at the top of the page seems to be ok. However, when I click the Edit button, the modal window that should popup does not. It takes me to a page without stylin…

Error every time I edit.

I get this error every single time i edit anything on my pages. {"aID":"24","arHandle":"Main","cID":"1","error":false,"bID":"53"}#next_pages_container { width: 5px; hight: 5px; position: absolute; top: -100px; left: -100px; z-index: 2147483647 !importa…

Google maps not showing in live mode

My google maps are not displaying in live mode. Any ideas why this could be? The url is http://www.generation.org.uk/index.php/how-find-us/

Advanced Permissions on Editor

Hi everyone, I am having some problems with setting Permissions for an Editor, and I am unsure if it can be done at all? I have an Editor in my Concrete version 5.6.1. I would like to set a Permission in this way. Within Page Types, I would …

http:// and http://www. 2 different sites?

Hi Everyone, Had a quick search but couldn't find an answer to my problem. I have recently begun using Concrete5 to set up a bit of a photography portfolio. Everything had been going fine until I attempted to view the site from another PC where it dis…

Auto-nav background color

Hello everyone! Can anyone shed some light on how to alter the auto-nav background color? I've searched the forums, but I'm not finding much. The site I need help with is gatheringatfivemedals.org. You'll notice that I cannot get the auto-nav sidebar …

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