Editing (v7+)

Copy button

What does the "COPY" button do on a Set Permissions pop up box? Clicking it does nothing for me.

Not able to add a user

I read the documentation because I've done it before on older versions of C5 but thought I just forgot, but a comment listed on the documentation shows that the "Add User" link is not present on a clean install of So, what should I do to add a…

Manually adding a new block type

Hi I had a block installed, but the database with it installed was lost. So I have taken a backup of the database and added the BlockType data back into the database. But the new btID is 49 and this is not appearing in the array of allowed block typ…

Dashboard not displaying correctly

My dashboard is not displaying correctly. At first (i.e. when I first enter edit mode on my site), the dropdown looks fine. But when I click on something (for example, Systems and Settings), the pop-up window gets all funky and squished up (see the attach…

Simple Facebook Galllery addon

hi ive tryed to get the Simple Facebook Galllery addon to work, but get this error> [code] Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/www/mydomain.dk/packages/slayer1551_facebook_gallery/blocks/slayer1551_facebook_gallery/view.php …

Get more pagetypes

Hello, There is any site to download more pagetypes? Thanks!

Insurance option in eCommerce

Hi. I am looking for a online shop solution where one can include insurance options for items purchased. The items will be delicate (artwork made out of glass and other delicate materials) and could break during shipping and the buyer would need to ha…

Portal section

I'm looking to implement a new site and I would like to add a portal section where users need to sign in to see the content. This section won't be an admin section it would be just data. I'm not finding any add-ons for this type of implementation. Is th…

Slow page load with auto nav - lots of pages to load

We have an issue with our page load time that's been a consistent pain. We have a blog archive that has to load all blog posts made in a certain year, and in some cases there are upwards of around 500 posts total for a year, which is a pain to load on a …

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