Editing (v7+)

Themes are not showing

hello, I am new to C5, I have a website all loaded but when I try to apply a theme nothing happens. The screen changes but no buttons show up and the site looks nothing like the theme in the Marketplace. Is there something I am missing or not doing? The…

C5 Page Properties Page - Save/Cancel Buttons Do Not Work

When editing the properties of a page in my site (for instance, trying to exclude a page from auto-nav, etc.) the Save and Cancel buttons display the mouseover highlight correctly but nothing happens when clicking. The status bar shows "javascript:void(0…

Documentation on which files

to change for what purpose?? I looked but can't find. I would like the right part of my header (auto-nav) to expand as the section gets larger (more pages added). I researched here and found that I should remove height and float. Which file thou…

Firefox Multiple File Upload - allowed extensions

Hi! I have a problem with the Mutiple Files Upload. Other than the Single File Upload, where u can see all files, in Mutiple Files Upload the extensions are limited to the allowed extensions. Today I noticed that in Firefox there are no png shown..…


It use to be easy to uninstall addons on previous builds.. im not seeing where to do it in the most current build - any ideas?

Save Area to PDF Problem!

Doesn't work, in fact no response and no error_logs. It just redirects me and generates a page /index.php?cID=1&bID=13&arHandle=Main&ccm_token=1342409354:4325e215812a1587da087f093ba31f1f&btask=passthru&method=submit_form where nothing happens. Already …

reduce space between sidebar and main area in Dark Chocolate

This was already discussed somewhere but I found no resolve. The padding between the sidebar and the main area in Dark chocolate and for that in all the core themes is way too big. I was searching through main css but didn't find any padding that defi…

Make one word a different style than the rest of the sentence

Simple question regarding this sample sentence: "The cat jumped over the boy." Assume I'm writing in Heading 3 but wanted one word--"jumped"--to be in H2, how could I do that? When I try to highlight "jumped" and make it H2, all the words follow suit.…

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