Editing (v7+)

Clicking 'Return to Website' displays theme path as text...?

Hi all, I've been using concrete5 for around a week and am now stumped - when viewing my website at the URL, or going to 'Return to Website' from the dashboard, all that is displayed in the browser is text saying "/concrete/themes/testxmastheme/" on a whi…

Float slideshow in text

In a page I'm working on I want a slideshow to be "floating" in the middle of text like what happens when we set align="right" (or left) to an img tag. If I add a slideshow block then a content block, the slideshow block shows totally above the conten…

beneath a particular page

Hi i have add a new page and tick the exclude from nave because me not want that page on the menu bar and when i select that page from the autonav and choose "beneath a particular page", then that page doesnot show, they have make the block but doesnot sh…

Sub pape issue

Hi, in my footer there is menu and have there submenu lik::: test demo test1 demo1 test2 demo2 and in my header the menu are different like abc xyz etc. i have use the auto nav block for the header menu, now i am confus…

Why there's notthing to edit in my "Page Type" ?

I'm trying to use the stacks, but it's not working since when I edit my template in "Page Style", there's nothing to edit ? (No field I can click to add the stack). I have some place to edit when I edit the page, but no the page style. I have code i…

How can we actually Management Content?

I have a client who would like to separate page editing from page approval. So their content editors can create/edit pages and their design/SEO guys do the final approval. 1. Is there a way to list individual pages which need approval? Currently you …

can't edit anymore after upgrade to 5.5

I added this code to /themes/emplode/elements/footer.php just before the body tag, as explained in some contributions to this forum. But I still get a white bar when logging in to administer the website. What when wrong? On the same server another …

Header slideshow in c5 5.5.0

I liked the slideshow in the default installation of c5, so I replaced the image block with a slideshow block, and in edit mode it's very nice. But, when I publish the edits, the slideshow "moves on top", covering the rest of the header. Known…

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