Editing (v7+)

Blog posts from two locations?

I have a public and a private blog section. I'd like both to appear on the homepage. under the same page list. Is there a way to do this? and maybe hopefully keep the private blog posts hidden from unauthorized users? Thank You

Unable to delete old page versions

Ever since I upgraded to the newest version of Concrete5, I have lost the ability to delete old versions of pages. The newest version is approved but when I try to delete the older versions, it just has the activity icon in the center of the screen (littl…

Styling Select Attributes

I'd like to add a listing markup to every option the user checks within a select page attribute. Currently, the outcome is: option1 option2 option3 option4... What I want is: option1 option2 option3 option4 ... Any help is greatly appre…

Exit edit mode

While editing: When I return to pages that I'm 100% sure I exited edit mode and published I find the page being in edit mode (Buttons says: Exit edit) but without the dotted lines around the blocks and ability to edit. I then have to exit edit mode, publi…

Another question regarding the Site Name

So I'm trying to get rid of it and accidently deleted the original Global Block. I Made another one and named it My_Site_Name with no text in it but the name still appears in the top left corner anyways. What am I doing wrong here? Did deleting the origin…

Listing users based on group

Our website is team based. but we will have non team members sign up. I assign my teammates to a group, is there a way to edit the member page to show only those members? I'm not finding real info on how to edit the page which is already there. Than…

Adding to Profile?

The profile is so basic it's sad. How can I add content blocks? so users can post more details etc? Thank You

error occurred

from 'dashboard'->'Pages and Themes'->'Page Types' chose 'Left Sidebar', and then click 'composer' button at 'Composer Settings' chose 'Always publishing below a certain page' but not chose 'Select Page', and click 'Save Composer Settings' after datab…

website index error

Hi I just tried going to my site and it is just displaying the below error. I havent made any changes so I dont know what could be causing this Deprecated: Function eregi() is deprecated in /home/apop/apoprecords.com/index.php on line 8044 Deprecat…

Custom Profile

I am trying to find guides on working with the profile page. We are an airsoft team. so I'm looking for a way to add options Real Name Callsign Phone Email Squad Job Armory Kit etc. and setup so it will display on the profile page. Als…

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