Editing (v7+)

Removing Third Party Contractor From Admin

Our company owns the domain ( hosted by hostmonster ) and we use Concrete5 to develop and maintain the site. However, the admin control (during development) has been in the hands of a third party contractor who has done most of the work on the site. …

error update page

Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'ADODB_Exception' with message 'mysql error: [126: Incorrect key file for table './site/PageSearchIndex.MYI'; try to repair it] in EXECUTE("UPDATE PageSearchIndex SET cName='About',cDescription='',cPath='/about',cDatePublic…

Editing main horizontal navigation bar

My supervisor requested that I remove a section from our main horizontal navigation ("Resources"). I deleted the folder, but the section still remains within the navigation bar on the site. Now the problem is that it's a broken link, but I can not figur…

Add color as product choice

Hi, i have the ecommerce add-on to sell shoes and added the choice color as text type to let the customer type the desired color. Today the customers choose the color from a dedicated page with our custom colors. Now i need to improve this kind of colo…

Detecting page moves within same parent

The on_page_move event works nicely, but it only fires when you move a page to a new parent. If you simply change its display order within the same parent then nothing is fired. I'm trying to think of a way to detect this without overwriting any core …

Auto Generate menu and footer

Hello On my site i have a menu in auto nav, and a footer in a content block. How do i get those to create automaticly, when i create a new page? Thanks Mickey Rasmussen

HTML Background Color Issue

Hello, My problem is that on the site I'm editing "www.yinyanghealingchannel.com" on either side, there should be a different bg color (blue for "Acupuncture" and orange for "Media") shown as in the attachment. I am using this HTML code for each…

Reset ID of page versions?

Hi All, When you create a new version it says "New Version 50" for example... what MySQL code must I run to reset this to start at New Version 1? Yes, I have phpmyadmin access. Thanks, -Lewis

Choose url

Hi, I've just come across this CMS and i'm thinking of giving it a go. I've got a couple of questions though if anyone can help. 1) I see you can change the page title for each page, but can you actually change the URL for each page (so it's different …

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