Editing (v7+)

Can't add more than one user to a group

I created a group, then added a user to it. When I try to add a second user to the group I get the following error: mysql error: [1062: Duplicate entry '3' for key 2] in EXECUTE("insert into UserGroups (uID, gID, ugEntered) values (3, 3, '2011-01-06 12…

Advanced Area/Block Permissions?

Hey All, So i've noticed things like this in the ccm.ui.js: [code] if (obj.canDesign){ ... } if (obj.canLayout){ ... } [/code] are these permission properties that we can set for users/groups? if so, where? I would like to be able to limi…

Error when adding blocks/editting content.

I have a freshly installed concrete but whatever I try to do results in an error. adding a block - error editting content - error. I checked all my permissions and file/folder ownerships. The server error log gives nothing. I turned of t…

Cron Job to reset demo site every hour

I am adding this post because I could not find a clear answer in the forum or on the internet. This process worked for me and I expect there are other ways to accomplish it. My server is a shared hosting server with cPanel for the sites control pane…

Adding a spacer after every block

So I'm extremely new to Concrete5. Found it yesterday, in fact. Although out of the box I'm hooked. I'll save you all my hours of praise for the CMS which is too good to be true. My problem: I wish to have a spacer inserted between blocks in my content…

z-index of blocks

hello, I want to change the z-index of a particular block or of all the main area, how can I do this ??

CSS Help

Greetings I am using the Liability Theme at www.billveecksleg.com I would like to change the hover color on the links in upper right slideshow block. Example: Falls Church Friars I am a novice a CSS and would appreciate any help. What file woul…


I want to install a 3-column table to show date, event and venue of band gigs. I must be able to insert new dates between those already recorded. I tried using "add layout" but this does not allow inserts.

Exclude Members from the list

On my members page(which i just finished styling) admin shows as the first member. Is there a way to keep the list from showing members you've selected such as people you deem admins that don't need to show on the list?

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