Editing (v7+)

Global Scrapbook - best to add blocks in Dashboard?

Hi, there, After getting one of the infamous "Access Denied" messages when trying to edit a Global Scrapbook block, and thus needing to edit it in the Dashboard, I'm wondering if it isn't best practice to create them in the Dashboard, too. I've alre…

Theme problem after Davidmirv database backup

Yesterday, I did a fresh install of Concrete5 and re-did my site. Not wanting to lose my work, I did what (I thought) was a smart thing and did the Davidmirv Db backup and the database schema refreshes. My site retained all my data, but lost all of my …

make site smaller

I like my site but I' d like all the elements a bit smaller - as if I zoom out a level, is there any easy way to do so or do I have to change everything manually ??

allowing users to upload music/video to profiles

Hi I need to allow users to upload both music and video files to their profiles. I've tried using the image/file attribute in the user attributes settings but this doesnt work, I get an Objest Expected error. Does anyone know how to sort this or know…

Remove old forms from reports section

My C5 website has 5 forms but the reports section shows about 10 forms, i.e. it shows each form more than once because I changed the name of the forms a couple times. I thought that deleting the old page versions that contained the forms with old name…

how can I have fixed frames ??

Hello, I am a new user re-setting up my site using concrete5. I am currently using the exact slideshow on several pages and I was wandering how can I make a fixed frame out of it so each time only the content reloads on those pages rather than the whole s…

Send uploaded files as attachments and more

The situation is as follows: I have multiple forms on my C5 website and few of them require the visitor to upload a file (text document). I would like C5 to send the form as well as the uploaded file as attachment to the designated e-mail address. Al…

Remove title from search block

Hi guys, I'm building my first concrete5 website and I have to say I'm impressed how good concrete is. However there is a problem that I have ran into. I want to add a search option but when I'm adding the default search block it asks me to enter a…

Error message when saving "meta description" and "meta keyword"

Whenever I try and update my "Meta Description" and my "Meta Keywords" it comes up with this error message (it only occurs when updating a certain webpage): Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'ADODB_Exception' with message 'mysql error: [1062: Duplica…

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