
New MS-Office file types

I have added in two new file types: docx and xlsx which are for Office 2007/2010 and Concrete seems to have issue serving these as when you are not an admin user, it wants to prompt to download as a zip file. The system seems to handle doc as a file type…

Timed Release and Advanced permissions

I have looked through the forums, and I know there are a lot of people who are looking for the same functionality...right? I had a question about Timed releases and Advanced permissions. The website I am working on currently has Advanced permissions ad…

Media Queries

Guys, I've been asked to do a site which uses Media Queries to display a separate Mobile CSS when the site is veiwed in a phone. Reading around I have to insert a new CSS link line into the page header like this one: My problem is that when w…

When the web host does not have Python, removing Versions

Does anyone have any suggestions for setting up Concrete5 on a remote server without Python so that it runs at maximum speed (after uploading it from a remote server that does have Python)? I develop my websites locally and then upload them to the remo…

Viewing PDF and office file issue

Running into problem with a website that we are using. When you use Concrete's file manager and present PDF files for example: The user only gets the option to download the file. If I upload the files to the web server, the files are presented to the us…


bluehost has been sucky lately. Anyone using dreamhost esp. VPS?

File manager

I think there should be a change to the file manager, at the moment it is one string of documents, the user should be able to create folders, permissions for the folders, It would be a much better way of organising than grouping things.

Users waiting for approval

I am testing out 5.5 right now and I have a question about approving users...or really about notification in general: Is there a way to highlight that the admin/toplevel users need to do "something"? Right now, how do I (for example) even know that so…

Upgrading to

Hi All I am trying to upgrade a to a For some reason when I am at 2.1 I am not offered the ability to upgrade to 2.2. via the Dashboard. I have tried several methods of upgrade with so far no joy. Here is what I have done, can anyone…

Different Font Color Styles On Every Page

I know this is ridiculous, and as a designer I would not usually do this, but the client wants the h1 tags to be a different color on every page. I know css, but don't know how to call a specific page. Is it possible with javascript or css to call each pa…

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