Developing (v7+)

Question about filesets

I have some galleries setup and filesets. I would like to show pictures from a different fileset in some galleries , is that possible ? When creating a fileset , does the file set duplicate those images into a new folder ? If I want to seect only 3 …

Calendar Events in Concrete 5. Navigate Year and Display Events

Hello all, I am a newbie user of c5 and this is my first post in forum I guess. The issue I would like to share is that I am building a website using c5. In that site, they need a feature that can list events in each month of a year. I just made a d…

Styles missing in Edit Block screen

Hi All, I'm having trouble with styles missing in the add/edit block popup for all custom block types I have created. This applies to the downloadable basic_test block as well but strangely not the C5 core blocks. The form elements are there, and th…

Sitemap.xml - exclude pages more than 2 weeks old

I have a news site with over 2,000 news stories (pages) under the news section. I don't need all of those in the sitemap file. Is there a way I can exclude anything that is more than 2 weeks old from the sitemap file?

Bug with Bootstrap Carousel and C5

Hi Guys, Been wondering for a while now why my Twitter Bootstrap Carousel doesn't work when I render it in C5. After much trial and error, I traced the problem down to Here's my Carousel code: [code] …

How to add a stack to the header and assign it to child pages?

Watched the YouTube video on stacks, great concept. I would like to add a stack to the header and have it on all pages but I can't figure out how to assign it to child pages. The menu option does not come up. Any ideas? Thanks to all.

Anyone know much about Pretty URL's ?

Hey all, just enabled pretty url's on my site, and they work all good, except that I deleted a page, and then made a new page with the same name - and now the pretty url is trying to link to the old page in the trash... how can I stop it from doing this? …

Dashboard > Full Sitemap stopped working

I am using Concrete5 version 5.5.1. I had to modify some data directly in the database as I was importing data from another system into C5. The data has been properly imported into the respective tables and the front-end is able to show them in the rig…

Page Not Showing Footer Element or Fancy Box Gallery

Hi, have finally migrated my site to the web, however... Gallery Page is not showing the Fancy Box Gallery AND The Footer is not loading ONLY on that particular page (it shows on every other page) I turned to firebug and you can see the divs, …


I am a newbie with concrete5, I will appreciate your help on this. I have created a sub folder called 'concrete' in my root folder, just so that I can develop the site. Now, I am ready to take the site live. Do I move all the files from concrete folder to…

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